Sunday, June 23, 2013

Bamboo Alone

Bamboo Alone

L. Edgar Otto  June 24, 2013   (written Jan. 9, 2010)

Feast, famine
Ten bamboo roots shoot
Thumb grasping

Ying Ying's nod
Her cherry blossoms
His bling bling

* * * *


  1. Oh come on, why do you have verification AND moderations - makes commenting tedious.

  2. I have tried to come to grips with the syllabic differences between the languages but have to confess to not understanding it.

    And then there is the stressed writing, like Beowulf and the French poets, to consider as well.

    Too difficile.

  3. J Cosmo I tend not to change settings yet the atmosphere of the settings change as the technology does faster than I have had time to be on line to access them... so I hope this works to make it easier and from my direction too. Thanks for the suggestion.

    aprille I think that while sensitive to the sound in such a form at that level it may be difficult to count them due to differences in dialect and changing dialect. But I had intended another poem for this open spot based on the Fibonacci count of syllables (which I had wrote many poems over the last decade but found others had suggested that as a from 1 1 2 3 5 8 13... syllables) so that works fine also especially for my one song Lost in Your Troubled Dreams based on it.

    Anyway, I am really more about the content and new creation rather than the technology (pen and paper, then typewriters, then computers) seem to add something different to that written. The medium on any level has a spirit or record too - our style of handwriting, the raindrops on a sheet composing outside on a foggy morning, the cycle of moods throughout the day. I could not find the song last night but it is on line ( Now that is one thing the computers do well, indexing and hyperlinks...

    [Now to see what happens to this comment over all blog links and social media... a not to myself]

  4. verification AND moderations - makes commenting tedious
    YEAP, am with cosmo
