Friday, July 19, 2013

Under the Magnolia Tree

Under the Magnolia Tree

L. Edgar Otto   19 July, 2013

In dreams we go back to places
we have known going back and forth again
in awakened life

Stepping out of an air conditioned theater
into the humid balmy sun the change
can send us other worldly

Which side of the sweating looking glass
of the stage and curtain fall in encore
do we drip with weather fronts of memories?

Lately, bidden to visit dreams, I long for
the rose garden and the sundial the
slower pace outside street theater

By day near ancient roots of Davy Crockett oaks
talk of what the students learned in Chapel Hill
finding myself some sacred spot finds my home

By night as if a tent for a canopy sleeping
under the Magnolia tree seeing but out of sight
its bed of leathery leaves do not return to the ground

Not in my short lifetime just before the sweetness
yet tragedy so close this generation to immortality
to be a forgotten Thor drawing on Eve's back

Some myth, some message, secrete signs,
all very proper the wind and peek-a-boo behind
our opening then dance of our fans

Stirring up a mix of perfumes the cones full of
bright red seeds on a magic wand or natural flag
bursting forth in seasons birth measured waters

Your white gowns before the thirst lost in the salt
before the three days we need to lick the dew
when the blossoming is pure, naked but not afraid

Close to the plantation no one can afford to build
our fleeting souls auctioned off, our own the frozen sin
all gone but some elemental tree before the storms

* * *


  1. You are invited to follow my Christian blog

  2. The spot under the magnolia tree took you far into the realms of sheer poetic delight. Wonderful writing.

  3. I do think that oftentimes we go back in our dreams to times/ places we have experienced before. YOur poem had almost a mystical quality to it.

  4. Amzing... reminds me of P. NEruda.

  5. Are you just a 'link dropper' or someone who visits others' poems as well? So far it seems like a lot (who are famiiiar with your name?) have not responded. It seems to me so far you are only interested in finding people who will respond to YOUR poem. I responded to your poem but if I do not see that you also respond to others I will definitely NOT make the mistake again.

  6. "we drip with weather fronts of memories" Love that line...nice work

  7. Interesting thoughts, " frozen sin
    all gone but some elemental tree before the storms"~ we never know what challenges ahead...but can we be prepared...if centered...

  8. Magnolias are my favorite flowers ... I love the line that contains 'as if a tent for a canopy' ~ the perfect canopy. Beautiful poem.

  9. To everyone: I am off line at the moment... from library here monday... I read so much but some comments lost somewhere in the aether I guess...I did read a lot of things all excellent even though any writing at all if we see the message or not is to me sacred...I am not much of a joiner not an ink dropper, I mean I am only a tadpole really... OK... would have posted here something not to be linked to the toad garden but cannot get directly into the blog yet. So here (for the viXra cosmological debates) I post this:

    Burma Shave Messages by the Data Stream

    L. Edgar Otto Sunday, 21 July, 2013

    God, neither created nor destroyed
    lathers up His Occam's razor

    Your existence does not guarantee your rights,
    your rights guarantee your existence

    Turing machine Universe erasing bits is
    a multiverse Being by printing

    A bankrupt soul persists as parallel reality,
    a system and not your hearts can be bankrupt

    Free will is the uncertainty of possibilities
    when going off-line

    - - - Burma Shave

    * * * *
